× 👨🏻‍🔬 Head of product design
× 💵 Projects of any complexity level, NDA
× ✉️ Offers → hey@makstorch.com

Moscow, Russia

Member since Feb 2013

UX Design / Research

Product Design

Mobile Design

Head of product design at Movavi Software 2021–2024

Lead designer at Delimobil & Anytime Prime 2020–2021

Senior design at Yandex 2019–2020

Lead designer at Rostelecom Information Technology 2019–2019

Lead designer at Waves Platform 2018–2019

Head of design at Holding Monastyryov & Co 2014–2018

Strategic designer at makstorch™ 2014–Present

Specialist, Far Eastern Federal University 2013

Freelance or contract opportunities

Full-time opportunities

753 followers 184 following 979 tags

Available for new projects

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