πŸ‘‹ I specialise in product design of web or mobile applications - and startup/product strategy.

- πŸ”₯ Social Apps
- 🌎 Marketplaces
- πŸ“² Chats, Messengers
- 🌎 Home platform feeds
- 🎞 Video and media applications of all kinds
- πŸ’³ Banking Features
- β˜€οΈ Lightest onboarding
- βš™οΈ Admin or other Dashboards
... many more

- πŸ–₯ Sketch, Figma...
- 🌟 Design of a graphic identity that works with design (collaboration with artists)

I designated a lot of pivots for my different startups, dozens and dozens of features. Knowing that I am CEO and engineer myself, it will be easy for me to communicate with your developers, it's my daily life.

I work on with Sketch or Figma. I also have fairly advanced skills in the world of video transcoding and content distribution.

Let's have a zoom call to talk about it.

New York City, NY

Member since Nov 2020

UI / Visual Design 6–8 years

Product Design 6–8 years

UX Design / Research 6–8 years

Freelance or contract opportunities

Full-time opportunities

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