Animation of item removal (GIF)

May 09, 2013

Last animation of my concept app. This time I present quite simple delete transition. You can also check full project presentation on Behance: I would be happy to get any f...

App navigation levels

April 30, 2013

I'm working on the last TurboDoktor app elements. This time you have here a simplified (I skipped few screens) app structure - navigation levels. There are four the most important screens of the app which would be arranged in this order....

Animated app screen transition (GIF)

April 29, 2013

First animation of upcoming app for car repair shop. This is transition which would appear between main screen and configuration view. It would work when you tap gear icon or when you slide up screen. Full project soon - stay tunned. I...

Piston Icon

April 08, 2013

First version of icon for upcoming iPhone app. It's for car repair shop. Hope the idea is clear :) Any feedback would be appreciated.

List of items (reparations)

March 26, 2013

This time I present next views of my iPhone app. Just for the record, it would be using to check status of car repair service. On the background you see (or maybe not :)) main screen of app when you have added one item to it (this situa...

iPhone App - first attempt

March 25, 2013

Here it is - my first attempt to designing iPhone apps. It's app for checking service status (car reparation). Soon I'll present all views and some custom transitions. Stay tunned if interested. Obviously, any feedback would be appreci...

Available for new projects

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Karol Ortyl