13 Saturns Moons - Sketch

May 13, 2014

My sketch for Saturn's moons. See the full post here: http://solarsystem.joshjlewis.com/saturns-moons.html

13 Saturn's Moons

May 12, 2014

Like Jupiter, Saturn has numerous moons. Titan, Iapetus and Rhea are the largest 3 of the 62 known moons. I had fun working with these very unique worlds especially that weird blue haze on Titan. See my full post.

12 Saturn

May 09, 2014

With huge rings, Saturn is one of the most spectacular planets in our solar system. Confession: I forgot Saturn was tan! I assumed it was blue or green from all the cool modern takes on the solar system. So I tried to make tan look good...

11 Jupiter's Moons - Sketch

May 08, 2014

Sketch for three of the four Galilean moons: Io, Europa, and Ganymede. In the final piece, Callisto is in the back to create some depth.

11 Jupiter's Moons

May 07, 2014

Jupiter has 68 known moons, so illustrating all of them was out of the question! Creating these unique worlds was fun. I tried to strike the appropriate amount of detail in each moon. Learn more about these amazing worlds here.

10 Jupiter

May 05, 2014

The big boy! I illustrated Jupiter early in the project. It has gigantic and very active storms in its upper atmoshpere. This pushed me to define the style for clouds and storms. Check out the full post here.

09 Ceres

May 02, 2014

Located in the Asteroid Belt, Ceres starts the first of five dwarf planets. Iearned Ceres wasn't perfectly round as it is sometimes depicted. The technique I learned with Mars proved important here. See the full post here: http://solars...

08 The Asteroid Belt Sketch

May 01, 2014

My sketch for the Asteroid Belt. See the full post along with some fun facts.