18 The Kuiper Belt

June 09, 2014

The Kuiper Belt is a vast region of space just outside of Neptune. This area is made up of lots and lots of tiny dots. Phew, I got through it! See the full post and read up on this amazing belt.

17 Neptune's Moons - Sketch

June 02, 2014

My sketch for Triton, Neptune's largest moon by far. You can see the full post here.

17 Neptune's Moons

May 30, 2014

…and by Neptune's moons, I really mean Triton. It's the largest by far. The icy surface looks like a cantaloupe, so I had fun trying to interpret the surface in this style. The composition was heavily influenced by a photo from the Voyag...

16 Neptune

May 27, 2014

Neptune is our 8th and last major planet. This bad boy is 2.79 billion miles away from the sun! The Great Dark Spot is no longer there, but it will be forever ingrained into my mind from the classic Voyager 2 photos. I had to keep it for...

15 Uranus' Moons - Sketch

May 26, 2014

My sketches for Uranus' moons. Learn more about the exciting gray spheres in the full post here.

15 Uranus' Moons

May 22, 2014

Titania and Oberon are the 2 largest of the 27 known moons. I wasn't familiar with any of the moons, so they were fun to explore. See the full post and learn about the moons of Uranus.

14 Uranus - Study

May 20, 2014

My study for this awkwardly named planet. See my full post here.

14 Uranus

May 19, 2014

There's no easy way to say "Uranus" without my inner middle schooler giggling. Uranus was the first planet I tackled. Its atmosphere has subtle detail which I exaggerate a bit to show its super fast storms. See the full post here.