Making of Our Solar System Site

August 17, 2014

Check out the making of Our Solar System on my first ever blog post.

22 Eris - Sketch

July 04, 2014

My sketch for Eris and Dysnomia. Explore these worlds in my full post.

22 Eris

July 03, 2014

And now for our fifth and final dwarf planet: Eris. Discovered in 2005, not much is known about this dwarf planet. Explore Eris in my full post.

21 Makemake

June 20, 2014

Located in the Kuiper Belt, Makemake is the 4th dwarf planet from the sun. No, I'm not making this up! Not much is known about Makemake, so I chose to hide it behind shading and not much detail. Check out the full post here.

20 Haumea - Sketch

June 17, 2014

My sketch for Haumea, the third dwarf planet from the sun. Haven't heard of it? Explore this unique world in my latest post.

20 Haumea

June 16, 2014

Yes, you saw that right: an oval shaped planet. Haumea is our third dwarf planet from the sun. Discovered recently in 2003, there is no accurate reference shot. I had fun adding my style to this little world. See the full post here.

19 Pluto - Sketch

June 13, 2014

My sketch for Pluto and Charon. Learn more about this dynamic duo in my full post.

19 Pluto

June 12, 2014

Pluto is the second dwarf planet from the sun. I never realized how small Pluto is. It's smaller than our moon. There have been no missions to Pluto yet, so this is my best guess on how Pluto looks. The New Horizons spacecraft visits Pl...