👋 Hello there!
I'm JorJe, a Product Designer with more than 5+ years of commercial experience in the design industry. I enjoy working in a fast-paced environment and love the challenge of discovering what makes customers “click”.
I work closely with cross-functional teams to understand customer needs and pain points, in order to develop innovative design solutions. My job as a Product Designer is to ensure that the interactions between the customer and the brand are intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable.
Looking forward to the opportunity to create exceptional customer experiences.
Köln, Germany
Member since May 2021
Top Specialties
UI / Visual Design 6–8 years
Product Design 6–8 years
Web Design 6–8 years
Bachelor’s / Master’s degree in Integrated Design, KISD | Köln International School of Design 2022
Bachelor's degree in Media Art, GIPA | Georgian Institue of Public Affairs 2019
Freelance or contract opportunities
Full-time opportunities