Hi all, my name is Evgeniy Polonskiy.
Let me tell a bit about myself:
✔️UX/UI designer, Project manager
✔️Had experience in working in tons of different spheres. More than 100 completed projects
✔️ 4+ years work experience

We can collaborate on-project terms; full time or part-time, whatever will be more comfortable for you. Had experience with lots of agencies, based across the world, with some of them we're still working together.

Mainly, working in Figma. Also, have an experience with After Effects and animation, so we can create some demonstration, prototyping or animation of UI elements.

Contact me, if you have something interesting :D

Telegram – t.me/Evgeniy_uix
Email - 37polonskiy@gmail.com


Member since Feb 2021

Mobile Design

UI / Visual Design

Web Design

Freelance or contract opportunities

Full-time opportunities

521 followers 57 following 526 tags

Available for new projects

Get in touch Evgeniy Polonskiy