Hi! First I will introduce myself. I’m Beatrice Ivan, I’m 22 years old, I’m studying at Academy of Economic Studies and I’m from Romania. I’m a digital marketing working and designing most of the time in Canva. I’m a freelancer usually working online with my clients
My skills:
- Design in Canva / figma
- Manage social media accounts
- Photography and editing
- Photoshop
- Coding in html & css

My mission is to grow and to share and help with my skills.
My recently work was for a new restaurant in opened in Bucharest, Romania called “Fuior”. I designed the restaurant interior & exterior menu and also some tickets from promotion.

My contact informations:
My contact informations / social media accounts:
- email: ioanabeatrice337@gmail.com
- instagram: ivanbeatrice
- linkedin: Beatrice Ivan

Bucharest, Romania

Member since Aug 2021

Brand / Graphic Design

UI / Visual Design

Product Design

Public Administration, ASE 2021

Freelance or contract opportunities

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Available for new projects

Get in touch
Beatrice Ivan