✨ My name is Margaret, but you can call me Margie ✨
An adventure-loving, coffee-obsessed designer with two years of industry experience but a long-time passion for design. I have an affinity for solving problems through visual design and empathetic research.

With a flexible, agile mindset, I quickly connect with users to evaluate their needs and produce designs that meet those needs. I find joy in helping my clients meet their goals and delighting users through thoughtful, intuitive design.

Don't hesitate to contact me about possible job opportunities at -
email: margie.flow@gmail.com
web: flowistic.me

Mountain View, CA

Member since Sep 2020

UI / Visual Design

UX Design / Research

Freelance or contract opportunities

Full-time opportunities

6 followers 2 following 22 tags

Available for new projects

Get in touch Margaret Flores