1. Splash screen for lunar new year after effect app design application bodymovin iphone x json loading animation loading screen lottie lunar new year mobile mobile app motion motion design new year splash screen splashscreen tet ui
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    Splash screen for lunar new year
  2. Social share popup for a website daily daily 100 challenge daily ui dailyui design figma material design materialdesign share share button ui web design webdesign website design
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    Social share popup for a website
  3. Player for audio books app audio audio player audiobook audiobooks books bookstore daily daily 100 challenge daily ui dailyui design figma ios mobile mobile ui music app music player player ui
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    Player for audio books
  4. 404 Page not found 008 404 404 error 404 error page 404 page 404page background image daily daily 100 challenge daily ui dailyui design error page figma page not found tourism ui web design webdesign website
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  5. Settings page for website 007 accounts daily daily 100 challenge daily ui dailyui design figma material design material ui materialdesign notifications settings settings page settings ui ui web design webdesign website
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  6. User profile page for face recognition application 006 cyberpunk daily daily 100 challenge daily ui dailyui design figma ios iphone mobile app mobile ui profile recognition sci fi social network ui user page user profile
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    User profile page for face recognition application
  7. DinoGo App icon 005 app icon app icon design application daily daily 100 challenge daily ui dailyui design dinogo dinosaur figma icon icon app icon design iconography travelapp
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    DinoGo App icon
  8. Calculator app for alcohol, calories and sleep duration 004 alcohol calculator calculator app calculator ui daily daily 100 challenge daily ui dailyui design figma management app ui
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    Calculator app for alcohol, calories and sleep duration
  9. Landing page for a raw vegetarians social network 003 daily daily 100 challenge daily ui dailyui figma landing landingpage skillbox ui vegetarian моносыроеды сыроеды сыромоноеды
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    Landing page for a raw vegetarians social network
  10. Credit Card Checkout for a quadrocopter rental service 002 checkout credit card credit card checkout daily daily 100 challenge daily ui dailyui design drone figma quadrocopter rent ui web
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    Credit Card Checkout for a quadrocopter rental service
  11. Material design for mobile sign up flow 001 daily daily 100 challenge daily ui dailyui design figma flat french material material design materialdesign mobile mobile ui sign up signup simple travel ui zeroui
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    Material design for mobile sign up flow
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