As a graphic designer and illustrator, I want to deliver fresh, individualized designs that resonate with diverse communities! I love the power of visual storytelling and its impact on society. My design philosophy is to create meaningful and memorable experiences for people—visually appealing but connecting with people on a personal level. I have a focus on human-centered brand identity design with fundamentals in traditional and digital art. I set out to develop myself in brand cultivation, expansion, and marketing (with a focus on grassroots businesses).

I view life as a series of steps— 2 steps forward, 1... 2... 3 steps back, return to the beginning and repeat. It is a slow and indirect process—there is no straight path or easy one for the average person. Although change is scary it is simultaneously one of the beauties of existing.

When I'm not off being a free spirit or losing myself in my mind I'm getting my hands sticky and setting my creativity loose! Whatever I can get my hands on I will finagle.

Member since Jan 2024

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