Packaging Design + 3D Visualization
1 week
With this service you can design a packaging that suit your product however it is a box, blister cards, clamshell or other custom kind. I will design the packaging of your product with elegant and modern theme with professional and commercial impact:This is what you will get:
Ai file ( Adobe Illustrator file) with editable text to use in future and this file ready for production with printing house standards like printing bleed and separated cut lines.
A pdf file with converted fonts ready for printing.
Fonts used in the design to enable any future edits.
5 high quality 4K 3D rendering STILL images for the package visualization for any use like web, print or web listing. (jpg/png with/without BG)
What I need from you:
box cut line shape file or design draft with dimensions to draw it.
the logos of company and product.
products main features you want to highlight
high quality images for the product to use with different angels and other application images (image for the product in usage ) * all the copy text will be used in the package.