1. Product, Packaging, and Album Art Marketing Mockups 3dsmax adobe dimension adobe illustrator adobe photoshop art director branding branding and identity branding design cinema4d clothing design design filterforge logodesign logos marketing mockup package design packagingpro prints productdesign
    View Product, Packaging, and Album Art Marketing Mockups
    Product, Packaging, and Album Art Marketing Mockups
  2. Product Packaging Marketing Art Direction for Rerelease Album 3dsmax adobe dimension adobe illustrator adobe photoshop art design art director branding branding and identity branding design cinema4d clothing design design filterforge logo logotype marketing marketing campaign package package design product design
    View Product Packaging Marketing Art Direction for Rerelease Album
    Product Packaging Marketing Art Direction for Rerelease Album
  3. 36 Days of Logos (inspired by 36 Days of Type) part 2 3dlogoanimation 3dmax 3dmodeling 3drendering 3dsmax adobe dimension adobe illustrator adobe photoshop brand design branding branding and identity branding design cinema 4d cinema4d design filterforge logo logo design octanerender vray
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    36 Days of Logos (inspired by 36 Days of Type) part 2
  4. 36 Days of Logos (inspired by 36 Days of Type) 3dmodeling 3drendering 3ds max 3dsmax adobe dimension adobe illustrator adobe photoshop branding branding and identity branding design cinema 4d cinema4d design filterforge logo logodesign logotype octanerender realistic 3d
    View 36 Days of Logos (inspired by 36 Days of Type)
    36 Days of Logos (inspired by 36 Days of Type)
  5. Flexbox OOH Marketing Page 2 3dmodeling 3drendering 3dsmax adobe dimension adobe illustrator adobe photoshop branding branding and identity branding design cinema4d design filterforge illustration logodesign logomark marketing octanerender packagingdesign vray wraps
    View Flexbox OOH Marketing Page 2
    Flexbox OOH Marketing Page 2
  6. FLEXBOX Page 1 3dsmax adobe dimension adobe illustrator adobe photoshop branding branding and identity branding design cinema4d design filterforge illustration logo logodesign logomark marketing octanerender socialmedia socialmediamarketing typography vray
    View FLEXBOX Page 1
    FLEXBOX Page 1
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