"Yellowstone" is a critically acclaimed TV series that debuted on June 20, 2018. Led by patriarch John Dutton, played by Kevin Costner, the Dutton family faces numerous challenges to protect their Yellowstone Dutton Ranch. Across five seasons, the show explores political intrigue, familial loyalties, and external threats, intensifying with each season. The cast includes notable actors like Luke Grimes, Kelly Reilly, Wes Bentley, and Cole Hauser. Season 5, released in two parts, has witnessed the departure of key characters, promising a riveting conclusion in the upcoming Part 2. The series has been well-received for its stunning cinematography, compelling storytelling, and standout performances. As "Yellowstone" continues to captivate audiences, it remains a hallmark of modern Western television, redefining the genre with its timeless themes and contemporary narrative.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Member since Feb 2024

Brand / Graphic Design 6–8 years

Illustration 3–5 years

Web Design 1–2 years

Freelancer at Upwork 2017–Present

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