Hello, my name is Dmitry. I am a web designer, I create landing pages, online stores and turnkey multi-page sites on the Tilda platform. My clients are experts, owners of small and medium businesses, information businessmen.
In my work I focus on analytics and structure. I do not start work without analyzing competitors and target audience. I build the structure of the site in such a way as to show all the advantages and benefits of the product and close all objections.
Studying at the university taught me to look for the least costly and effective ways to solve problems. Now it helps in projects to quickly find lungs with minimal costs for the customer.
Experience in construction helps to easily create selling sites in this topic. I know the fears, pains and objections of clients in this niche and how to close them.
Thanks to constant learning in various directions, I quickly switch and delve into the details and nuances in various projects.
The knowledge gained in the marketing course makes it possible
Member since Nov 2020
Top Specialties
Web Design 1–2 years
Freelance or contract opportunities
Full-time opportunities