Product Designer | UX Designer | Researcher

As a digital product designer, I specialize in creating seamless user experiences that drive engagement and boost conversion rates. I collaborate with brands to develop impactful design solutions tailored to their business needs. My expertise lies in understanding the unique challenges of each project, allowing me to quickly deliver user-centered designs that resonate with your target audience.

3 years+ of experience in designing digital products.

✦ User Experience Design
✦ User Interface Design
✦ Web Application & SaaS
✦ MVP Design
✦ Product Redesign & Improvement
✦ Wireframing and Prototyping

✦ FinTech & Banking
✦ Edtech
✦ Healthcare
✦ E-commerce
✦ Real Estate
✦ AI interface design

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Member since Aug 2022

UI / Visual Design

Product Design

UX Design / Research

Freelance or contract opportunities

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