• I have twenty years experience designing websites, product UI, working through UX problems, and handling as much of the front end code as I can.
• I value simplicity, ease of use, scalability, and systems design.
• I’m all about user empathy and solving for their problem.
• I care so much about my craft and quality of the job that I find myself balancing that against delivering.
• Even though craft is of utmost priority to me, I am experienced enough to know when something just has to ship.
• I cherish small teams and close relationships.
• I take ownership of my work.
• I mentor on the go when the opportunity arises with colleagues.


• Most experienced with Sketch as far as design tools. Have some familiarity with Figma. Obviously have used the Adobe suite in the past.
• Very proficient in HTML/CSS with some JS ability (mostly hand coding - still learning these new-fangled tools the kids love these days).
• Experience working in Git/Github and collaborating with devs using tools such as Zeplin.

Cincinnati, OH

Dribbble Pro

Member since Nov 2011

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