✨ I offer multidisciplinary design approach mixed with a strong passion for UX and UI design, graphic design, illustration and aesthetics in general.
✔ Worked for more than 3 years in multiple disciplines such as UX/UI, visual design, brand design, social media content and strategy, illustration, print design with small and big teams and collaborating directly with clients and with marketing and management teams.

Barcelona, Spain

Member since Jun 2022

Brand / Graphic Design


UI / Visual Design

Graphic designer at NMGenomix 2020–Present

Graphic designer at Nordstar Global services 2019–2020

Graphic & Web Designer Internship at TraineeLand 2019–2019

Bachelor degree in Design in Advertising, National Academy of Arts, Sofia 2019

Freelance or contract opportunities

Full-time opportunities

5 followers 19 following 94 tags

Available for new projects

Get in touch Bozhana Boncheva