Bookbot | Landing Page Mobile

September 05, 2017

When designing the landing page for Bookbot, we focused our strategy heavily on mobile as 90% of visitors are coming from mobile πŸ€

Bookbot | Landing Page Full Design

August 31, 2017

The full design of the second iteration landing page for Bookbot πŸ€ Check the attachment for real pixels

Bookbot | Landing Page Iteration 2

August 29, 2017

Designing iteration 2 of the landing page to help with more pre-orders. More mobile focused with this page πŸ€ Check attachment for real pixels

Bookbot | App MVP Walkthrough

August 24, 2017

This is the walk through of the final design for the MVP of Bookbot's iPad app. From here, we can start testing on our users to gain feedback πŸ€

Bookbot | MVP Library Page App

August 22, 2017

This is the Home/Library screen for Bookbot. Horizontal scroll of all the books on offer. πŸ€β € β € What would you assume the cover with the green overlay and happy face represents? πŸ€—

Bookbot | App MVP Card Designs

August 10, 2017

Here are few of the card and book cover designs for the MVP we designed for Bookbot πŸ€

Bookbot | App User Interface Style Tile

August 03, 2017

Working on the UI style for the MVP of the Bookbot app. Here is the style tile we are working towards. πŸ€β € ------ Full style tile attached

Bookbot | App Wireframes

July 26, 2017

After creating a more visual lean flow for Bookbot, we started to create hi-fidelity wireframes and understanding other possible screens we need to design πŸ€

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