Checker Bear

July 19, 2018

I asked my son what he figured Len and the Bear might do next? "Play checkers," he replied without hesitation.

Not Alone

April 06, 2018

Despite running out of sausages, the bear continued to follow Len. Odd as it might seem, I believe both Len and the bear were grateful for each others company. You might even say they were becoming friends. It’s hard not to be Len’s frie...

Lucky Dogs

April 05, 2018

At length Len slowly approached the bear and gently picked up his axe. I don’t speak bear, but it certainly seemed to take a somewhat warm interest in Len. Len decided to make a gesture of thanks toward the bear for returning his axe, as...

One Last Pipe....

April 04, 2018

In certain circumstances, you have no choice but to enjoy bad circumstances. Len reasoned there would be no out-running the bear, so might as well try and go out with a good pipe in hand. Perhaps the bear enjoyed tobacco smoke, or maybe ...

The Bear

April 03, 2018

Here’s what old Len saw. There would be no talking his way out of this scrape. Hardly moving, Len peered around the stump for a better look. The bear crouched, staring back…waiting. Len’s time as a fire-watch had well prepared him for wa...

Len and The Thing

April 02, 2018

What can I say? I appears that the “avoid” strategy wasn’t looking to pan out. The creature approached. Len made no sound as he tried to catch a glimpse of the beast’s reflection with his knife… Claws: check. Size: I’d venture large, t...

Old Survival Bush Tricks

March 29, 2018

It could be easy to misinterpret what you see here as “fleeing in terror,” this is merely an old survival bush trick Len picked up along one of his many adventures. If there is one thing any good outdoorsman knows: better to fall back an...

The Cave

October 20, 2016

One particularly calm day, Len came across a cave while out gathering wood for his evening campfire. Len raised his trusty lantern and peered cautiously into the opening. A thing peered back... ---- See the full Lonely Lenny series