Len, Ice Fishing

October 20, 2016

It would be quite the mistake to take Len for a simpleton. Having plenty of time for reading (and one ought never underestimate the knowledge gained from books), Len always surprised folks with his insights on a range of topics. Here we...

Len, getting water

October 19, 2016

Though Lenny may be regarded as one of the most interesting men in the world, I don't want anyone (nor would he) entertaining foolish ideas that he does not struggle with some of the same mundane activities we all face. For instance, a m...

Len's Cabin

October 19, 2016

Shoot. Looks like Len just popped out to get some more firewood. No matter. You can see what I meant by, "handsome cabin." I can't reckon where Len picked up his decorative taste, but I think it's safe to say he wasn't lacking. His centr...

Len, fishin'

October 19, 2016

The nickname "Lonely Lenny" was tossed around by Len and his friends as a joke, however, I reckon that though he was always a jolly and warm soul -- truly...he was lonely. ---- See the full Lonely Lenny series

Len's gear

October 19, 2016

Len is quite the resourceful chap when it comes to bushcraft, but only a blockhead strikes out on an adventure without essential gear. ---- See the full Lonely Lenny series

Len, ready for adventure

October 19, 2016

I suppose an adventure might do old Len some good. There's no telling whom he might meet, or what wonders he may discover. His bag was packed, his axe sharpened, a prayer was whispered - ...and out the door he stepped... ---- See the fu...

Lenny, panning for gold

October 04, 2016

In time, Len became quite the craftsman; and he spent his time building canoes, furniture, and small carvings. He even had a custom chess set round the cabin and fancied an occasional game with folks passing through. Often, people would ...