The Clothespin series is an iconic series of sculptures, which Zygo has been working on. The unique shape of the sculptures in the series is the result of a deliberate distortion of the conventional clothespin’s shape, familiar from everyday life.

The two become one on a third and other plateau; similar to a divine love which compel two individuals to separate from their former life, home, habits and views in order to devote themselves to one another and to create a new eternal whole, which is their joined loving bond.

When art makes love we see a Zygote art moment, Part of the Zygotism Art Movement.

Zygotism breaks the borders of the known and brings life to a new art environment, that only few have dared to get to so far.

This is your opportunity to get a taste of this new movement, that’s about to take the world by storm.

Tel Aviv, Israel

Member since Sep 2020

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