Between 2018 and 2019, I had the opportunity to work part-time in a gold workshop while fulfilling my military obligations. In this course, I served as an intern and gained valuable knowledge and experience in the goldsmithing profession. Although my engagement with this workshop ended in mid-2019, the experience further fueled my passion for working with precious metals.

After that, I devoted myself to working independently with silver for a year. During this course, I honed my skills and gained a comprehensive understanding of working with silver. This period of freelance work allowed me to refine my skills and develop my unique approach to jewelry design.

With my growing interest in this field, I realized the importance of using modern technology to enhance my abilities as a jewelry designer. So, I took an advanced jewelry course specializing in Matrix software, a well-known and industry-standard program for computer-aided jewelry design. This course equipped me with the necessary skills to create comple


Member since Apr 2023

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