Well, definitely I am on the isle of imagination. Anything is possible there, but I was found to be there by the AI. My imagination lives in yours. Well, I put my foot in the door of local creative schools, with the success I pursued I was able to do a lot. And my abmition was going ahead of me, not always with the best results. I create things, I am an idea-maker. And reality is formed by those who want do connect themselves with a diffrent view. I, symbolically went on this isle of imagination - I will skip for now the frames you would like to know about me - and will say something about the movement of behavior. One without the other is emptiness - or stillness, one with the other is fullfillment of this desire I call like something in the nature about personality that doesn't allow it to be empty for a second. One quality with the other quality is beauty. Saying my interests are simple as that is true. Complexity is the nature of an organism and beauty is confirmed and discovered by one another.

Member since Dec 2023

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Daniel Mészáros