1. Homepage for webshop | Webflow project art webshop branding ceramics ecommerce figma homepage logo design minimal design minimalistic pottery ui ui design webdesign webflow webflow design webshop
    View Homepage for webshop | Webflow project
    Homepage for webshop | Webflow project
  2. Redesign of ECHT Onderwijs + adding a content platform animation branding case study figma hubspot illustrations on scroll animation ui design ux design
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    Redesign of ECHT Onderwijs + adding a content platform
  3. Portfolio design branding case study figma portfolio portfolio design purple ui webdesign webflow webflow design
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    Portfolio design
  4. Redesign for mountain bike school bold branding bright coaching colors downhill extreme sport figma font heading hero homepage lesson mountainbike rebranding sport ui vivid webflow yellow
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    Redesign for mountain bike school
  5. Redesign for a blog about natural wines blog blog design blogs branding colorpalette figma footer graphic design illustration logo navigation sidebar ui user interface webdesign webflow webflow blog webflow design wine writing
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    Redesign for a blog about natural wines
  6. Concept for self-expression courses authenticity brown coaching courses desktop design fashion figma font combinations hero minimal design photoshop self expression simplistic ui webdesign website yellow
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    Concept for self-expression courses
  7. Neon homepage for E-bike animation bike colors core values dark theme dark themed e bike figma homepage landing page mountainbike neon neon color pricepage racebike red triangle ui user interface
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    Neon homepage for E-bike
  8. Hero for landing page Ecommerce big fonts blackandwhite blackwhite branding colors design desktop design extreme sports figma landing design landingpage landingpage design ui webdesign
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    Hero for landing page Ecommerce
  9. Website to find remote working locations app digital nomad figma location page project page remote design travel travel agency travel website ui webdesign
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    Website to find remote working locations
  10. Dark & light theme financial dashboard animation app application design dark theme dark theme dashboard dashboard application desktop app desktop application figma finance app financial application financial dashboard financial household app household app household dashboard light theme light theme dashboard tablet app tablet application ui
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    Dark & light theme financial dashboard
  11. Dark theme financial dashboard application for households dark theme dark theme app dark theme application dark theme dashboard dashboard app dashboard application design desktop app desktop application figma financial app financial application financial dashboard financial household household dashboard tablet app tablet application ui webdesign
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    Dark theme financial dashboard application for households
  12. Side menu for financial dashboard design active state animated animation application design figma figma animation financial dashboard menu navigation animation navigation design purple side menu ui
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    Side menu for financial dashboard design
  13. Film photography portfolio - projects page analog photography animation animation design carousel figma minimal design minimalistic design photographer photography portfolio portfolio portfolio slider slider ui ux design
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    Film photography portfolio - projects page
  14. Light theme financial dashboard design for household management app dashboard desktop app desktop application figma financial app financial dashboard financial household app household app household management app light theme light theme app light theme dashboard tablet app tablet application ui
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    Light theme financial dashboard design for household management
  15. Find accessories that match any interior style animation app application design colorpallette colors design figma interior design ios typography ui uiux user interface design
    View Find accessories that match any interior style
    Find accessories that match any interior style
  16. Minimalistic IOS tabbar animation app application design bottom bar design colors design figma ios design micro animation minimal design minimalistic minimalistic animation tab bar design tabbar ui
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    Minimalistic IOS tabbar
  17. UI Interior design app carousel animation animation app application design colorpalette colorpallette colors design figma interior design interior design application motion graphics ui ui design user interface design ux design visual design
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    UI Interior design app carousel animation
  18. Interior design application animation app application design branding colorpallette colors design figma ios ios app ui
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    Interior design application
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