Shreya Shah is a UX/UI Designer who enjoys making this pretty online by combining the physical world with the digital world. Shreya knows the shift in design through the centuries and wants to be part of innovation. She also does not believe that novices have no voice, but rather believes that the digital world is the sum of all accounts in the physical world.
Shreya has worked at a plethora of social media marketing positions concentrated in design in the past such as Patties R and Propane and PretzelBunny. She is working towards completing a certification in UX/UI Design at Springboard.
Shreya holds a bachelors of science in marketing with a minor in entrepreneurship from Rowan University. When she is not engrossed in Figma files, the design process, and collaboration with teammates, Shreya enjoys participating in yoga classes at Lifetime fitness and can be seen working at the LifeCafe alongside a Mocha Madness Shake.
Member since Nov 2022