Hi, I’m Rick and I’m currently working for CVS Health as an Experience Designer working on the Manage Your Prescriptions team woking on the Global scheduler, Pharmacy Preferences, Dashboard, All Rx page, and Rx details. I'd be happy to discuss any job opportunities or freelance projects you might have.

Reach out at:

Cambridge, MA

Member since Nov 2018

UI / Visual Design 3–5 years

Product Design 3–5 years

Web Design 3–5 years

UX/UI Designer at CVS Health 2021–Present

UX Design Intern at ETQ 2019–2019

UX Designer at No Monkey Business 2019–Present

Bachelors of Science, University of Massachusetts at Amherst 2011

Freelance or contract opportunities

Full-time opportunities

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Available for new projects

Get in touch Rick Aborn