I am Reyaj Ahmad from India, i have a many experience in the NFT ART DESIGN AND 3D WITH ANIMATION. I AM Professional NFT designer. Hi i am Reyaj Ahmad. Likes your proposal. I am creator a NFT ART DESIGN AND 3D WITH ANIMATION, CREATIVE LOGO FOR BRAND. Motion Animation Graphics, shorts video with effects, Very nice work for me. Many more videos make to viral videos
So that we can discuss with chat regarding this project
◾ complete 5 Days
◾ 100 % Creatively
◾ Different styles Different looks Logo
◾ As per your Requirements, Give me
just hints & Samples,
As per your Requirements, before you give me Some hints and samples.
In my mails and whatsapp. +91 9163562935
CONTACT me. World Class design Only for you.
D'nt forget me Never.
Reyaj Ahmad
You can fast reply Awaiting for your project.
Calcutta, India
Member since Feb 2022
Top Specialties
Brand / Graphic Design
Work History
Professional at Own 2017–Present
Freelance or contract opportunities