2024 UPDATE: Looking for my next long term client or project. Also open to smaller projects in the meantime.
Hello there, thank you for visiting!
My main focus are Graphic Art and Design, I make bold, loud and often intricate images that are perfect for posters, packaging, social media posts or product skins. I also enjoy creating emblem logos or Coat of Arms, vector art and fantasy illustration.
I have over 8 years of experience working remotely with several long-term and short-term clients, I'm an expert with Photoshop and Illustrator, and I have some experience modeling with Maya and Blender. I have also been praised for my communication skills.
If you are looking for a reliable designer that is not afraid to make images stand out, I'm your artist!
Milano, Italy
Member since Oct 2021
Top Specialties
Illustration 6–8 years
Work History
Designer at Abysm Internal 2017–Present
Bachelor, OCADu 2014
Freelance or contract opportunities
Full-time opportunities