Carina Loader Animation

September 23, 2019

Loader animation for Carina Design System. This was made in Code Sandbox where details could be tweaked on the fly for the final design. One of the fine examples of designer and UI Dev working closely together to create something that wa...

Illustrations Preview - Carina Design System

July 31, 2019

Additional subjects and topics to be used in Carina Design System user interfaces.

Carina Illustrations - Chapter (One)

July 11, 2019

For Carina Design System, our illustrations show the most amount of character thought their style, color usage and shapes being layered on top of each other to show dimension. When the UI is so flat, these illustrations act as oasis for ...

Event in a Box

August 24, 2018

Once in a while I help our UX Writers with documentation for our products. It's definitely nice break from UI work, since in this case it's UI style and colors that need translating into a simple illustration. We have box that event pla...

Cvent Design System — Carina

July 17, 2018

I've been working on Cvent's new Design System for some time now. It's been a project that started over a year ago and we're ready to start building the products in this new system. I've designed the logo to reflect the creative purpose...