Economic Product Launch 2020

February 22, 2021

The Economic Intelligence was launched as a product offering during the most anxious time, right after the 2020 pandemic. The need for global tracking of how world economies are doing and how consumer confidence was reflecting their stat...

Fastest Growing Brands - Campaign Concepts

January 31, 2020

For the campaign of Fastest Growing Brands, which is right here: , these stood out from few things I was trying to design and incorporate. Pretty happy with the final design and d...

UX At Cvent Logo And Identity

June 10, 2016

Our Cvent UX team is growing pretty fast. Since I joined last year, I've seen great people come onboard. With that said, we all wanted to get some identity and character within the company. We're building something exciting and new, and ...

Cvent's new visual brand

May 11, 2014

Here is an example of how the new shapes, palette and layout come together. Creative Team already working on refreshing old collateral and marketing materials to the new look. Excited to see it coming together.

Group Business Forum Logo Animation

April 19, 2014

Quick .GIF rendering, forgive the dots. We still need to train those! This is preview to style and motion graphics that will be shown on large screens throughout the forum floor.

Summit Trials (Two)

February 02, 2014

Another version proposed for AMS2014. Reflecting the other shape for CMS2014 Trial run.

Summit Trials (One)

February 02, 2014

Before the official CMS2014 logo, I was experimenting with these blur effects. Might use a new version for next year.

Identity Early Version (Two)

October 15, 2013

Keepis integrated early work for its identity. These were overlapping shapes, merging into something new. Idea of transformation with guidance. I think this was one of my favorite options for the logo. x2 for details