Hi, My name is Kolya. I am from Ukraine. Artist and creator of one-of-a-kind sculptures.
I want to tell you about how a new page of my creative history began.
As a child, I loved to draw and began to attend art school. They taught me everything there: I studied drawing, arts and crafts, made appliqués from paper, papier mache, and even painted pictures, but modeling especially hooked me.
I was fascinated by how, from a piece of shapeless material, it is possible, as if breathing life, to create a whole world.
Many years have passed since then, I moved to a big city, graduated from university, became a professional designer. My life has turned into constant briefings, technical assignments, and I could even boast of a rich track record of famous companies for which I designed.
But everything changed with the birth of my daughter: I look at her and remember myself so carefree...

Kyiv, Ukraine

Member since Aug 2019

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