Wedding Invite

March 06, 2012

My wife hooked two of our friends up, and now they are getting married. :) I am making their wedding invite, and this is the front. I saw this idea online (connect two names with a heart) so I made my version with their names. They lov...

2stripes [Custom Type, Rejected Proposal]

February 24, 2012

So, I had another go at custom type for a logo. This version was rejected. I created this from scratch. Not too exciting, I know: just taking babysteps, right? Would love to hear your ideas on how to improve.

Gazebo [custom type, unused proposal]

February 13, 2012

So, I dipped my to in the waters that are called ‘custom type’. I made this proposal for an online startup, but it was a bit too tech-y. In regard to the type, and feedback on how I can improve in the future?

H A Monogram

April 18, 2011

A logo proposal for a secret project. The identity for this project is currently on hold, but since this is my first monogram I thought I should share it. No sure if both the ‘H’ & ‘A’ are obvious. That do you guys and girls think?

Jumsoft Version 3

April 13, 2011

Still working on a logo for Jumsoft. I can feel we are nearly done. :) Also: thanks for all the feedback so far! They liked the curvy feel of the previous version, and they are confident it suits their company, because they do so much m...

Rejected Jumsoft Logo

March 29, 2011

That previous orange hand logo was a rejected logo proposal for Jumsoft. This customised type is also a rejected proposal. Back to the drawingboard for me. :) Edit: They are a great client. I just need to continue and make an even bett...

N logo - Rebounded

September 27, 2010

After some suggestions I have improved the impossible-ness of my logo proposal.

Available for new projects

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Jord Riekwel