
My name is Jamie and I’m a freelance 3D artist. I have been working within the creative domain for the last 7 years. I came to be interested in this area through my own explorations into art, and when I discovered 3D art I knew I found a lifelong passion. I followed this as a hobby for many years creating personal project after personal project. When it became clear to me that this could be my job, I couldn’t be happier! I quickly adopted this work and the projects that came my way as a part of my life. I have now worked with people from all around the world - from album art, to product visualization and from adverts to exhibition arts. To me my continued enjoyment and love for what I do is paramount. What I do take on, I want to come out exactly as the client, myself - or both of us, envision it.

United Kingdom

Member since Jan 2023

Animation 3–5 years

Brand / Graphic Design 3–5 years

3D Artist at Koncepted 2022–Present

Freelance or contract opportunities

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Available for new projects

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