Apaixonado por design e suas possibilidades.

Ao longo dos últimos 15 anos submerso nesse mundo, intercalei a minha atuação entre diferentes disciplinas. Tive o prazer de participar de projetos como: criação de marcas e identidades visuais, direção de arte, embalagens e principalmente produtos digitais (onde comecei e nunca mais saí)

Quer saber mais? É só chamar ;)

[EN Bellow]

Passionate about design and its possibilities.

Over the last 15 years submerged in this world, I have merged my work between different disciplines. I had the pleasure of participating in projects such as: creation of brands and visual identities, art direction, packaging and mainly digital products (where I started and never left)

Want to know more? Just call ;)

São Paulo, Brazil

Member since Feb 2017

Brand / Graphic Design 9+ years

UI / Visual Design 9+ years

Product Design 3–5 years

Founder Designer at AZMT 2020–2021

Sr Designer at Beyoung 2014–2020

Digital Midia Design, Impacta 2008

Freelance or contract opportunities

Full-time opportunities

4 followers 40 following 33 tags

Available for new projects

Get in touch
Gui Garcia