Melissa, better known as Ely Ely, is a Mexican illustrator from Aguascalientes who currently lives in Mexico City. After finishing her studies in graphic design, she worked for a few years in various marketing agencies while also doing freelance work as an illustrator and mural painter, then launched her own illustration studio six years ago. Women, Mexican graphical elements, nature, and color form the basis for her creativity and inspiration, and these things can frequently be found in her illustrations, murals, and other work. She has worked on numerous projects in Mexico and abroad, including partnerships with Disney, Google, MaryKay, Maybelline, Clinique, Dole Sunshine, Danone, and Bonafont, among others.

Mexico City, Mexico

Member since May 2018

Illustration 6–8 years

Graphic Design, UAA 2009

Freelance or contract opportunities

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