Once upon a time, in the hidden corners of the world, there lived a family of dust family, ordinary yet extraordinary in their own unique ways. They dwell in every nook and cranny, living lives unnoticed by the human eye. Among them, you could find the newly born baby dust, just starting to experience the vast world around them. Then there was the mischievous dust devil, with a peculiar fondness for swallowing up its master's jewelry. The superhero dust, always buzzing around in the air, was known for its adventurous spirit. In this diverse family, there also resided the aged dust, which had seen over half a century of change and was now a testament to the passage of time. The pet dust, ever loyal, loved following its master wherever they roamed. And then there was the anonymous, square-shaped dust, a mystery to all. This was a grand family, always dwelling in the corners, out of the sight of humans.


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Member since Dec 2023

Brand / Graphic Design

Product Design

designer at Limu Architectural lab company 2022–Present

Master, National University of Singapore 2023

Bachelor, University of Melbourne 2019

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