1. Trick Dice dice font monospaced specimen type typography
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  2. 12 Hours animated clock gif illustrated pm queen time
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    12 Hours
  3. Language Switching animated interface languages russian tv
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  4. Okko TV Transitions animated channels interface tv
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  5. VR Headsets headsets illustrated silhouette vr
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  6. Prototyping: Specification animated animation design gif motion ui
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    Prototyping: Specification
  7. Prototyping: Exploration animated animation design gif motion ui
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    Prototyping: Exploration
  8. Prototyping: Presentation animated animation design gif motion ui
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    Prototyping: Presentation
  9. Prototyping: Validation animated animation design gif motion ui
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  10. Digital and analogue devices clipboard devices illustration phone
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  11. Vevo Apple TV Case Study animated animation appletv design gif tvos ui vevo
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  12. Vevo Apple TV Case Study: Interactive Slate animated animation appletv design gif tvos ui vevo
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    Vevo Apple TV Case Study: Interactive Slate
  13. Vevo Apple TV Case Study: Channel navigation animated animation appletv design gif tvos ui vevo
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    Vevo Apple TV Case Study: Channel navigation
  14. SPAN conference article: Writing animated article gif stroke writing
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    SPAN conference article: Writing
  15. SPAN conference article: Process animated article gif process stroke
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    SPAN conference article: Process
  16. SPAN conference article: Google Cardboard cardboard gif google headset vr
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  17. SPAN conference article: Juggling balls gif juggle
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    SPAN conference article: Juggling
  18. wobble animated gif pattern wobble
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  19. davidpaliwoda.com redesign animation css3 gif personal portfolio web wordmark
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  20. Confetti canvas confetti flat particles rendering
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  21. What's your Poison - new infographic animated data viz food gif infographic poisoning w12
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  22. Card Flip 3d animated cards css interactive motion
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  23. Fast grower animated chicken egg explosion gif pop
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  24. Running Chick animation chick chicken cute gif running
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