1. Caspar- Learning app android app development e learning figma graphic design ios javascript learning app mobile app deisgn mobile app development mockups prototyping swift ui user interface uxui web design
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  2. Healing Hands Hawaii Web-Based Appointment System abode xd figma healthcare mobile app deisgn mockups prototyping ui design uiux user experience user interface ux design uxui web design web development wireframing
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  3. VOQDR - Elevating B2B Tracking Solutions with Innovation design figma illustration mobile app deisgn mockups prototyping ui ui design user experience user interface ux design uxui web design web development wireframes
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  4. The EIGN Real Estate Marketplace design figma mobile app deisgn mockups prototyping ui user experience user interface uxui uxui prototyping web design
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  5. Medcom: Innovating Healthcare Through Seamless Solutions figma mockups prototyping ui interface ux interface uxui web design
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  6. QUICKEST Delivery Web & App figma mobile app deisgn mockups prototyping ui user interface uxui web design wireframing
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