Hi, I'm Jerikho! I run a small instant download brand called CheeryPrintsies on Etsy. I opened an Etsy store earlier in 2022, but has only started CheeryPrintsies on Q3 of 2023.

Since then, CheeryPrintsies has been a learning curve for me about solopreneurship selling digital goods online.

So far, my eye-catching and interactive printable bookmarks are what I'd like to consider "bestsellers" on my Etsy store.

But that doesn't mean that's all I can and want to design...

I love being creative, and it has always been my dream to earn financial stability from my creative work. As laughable as that might sound to many people, I seriously intend to do just that.

That said, I'm constantly researching, designing, and listing digital products other than printable bookmarks to explore other avenues. Of course, I've also deleted many designs that didn't work.

For now, I created this Dribbble portfolio planning to expand my creative business endeavors in the long run.


Member since Jun 2024

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