Hello! I'm Biresh Kunti works as a professional UI UX Designer. I’m working as a full-time freelance designer. I’m specialized in creating Landing Page, Websites UI UX Design and Prototyping using Figma, Photoshop & Illustrator. I believe that every business needs intuitive, effective, and beautifully designed digital products to help their business grow and succeed. And I can help you to improve your business.


Dribbble Pro

Member since May 2023

Mobile Design 1–2 years

UI / Visual Design 6–8 years

Web Design 6–8 years

UI/UX Designer at Voyantt Consultancy Services LLP 2021–Present

Graphics & Web, Arena Animation Kankurgachi 2014

BA, Vidyasagar University 2012

Freelance or contract opportunities

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Biresh Kunti