I’m Alexander Honig, a graphic design freelancer, passionate designer, and in love with colors. To start something different and make it savage is my way of expression. When it comes to logo design my mind can’t stop connecting ideas and creating stunning logos. To express an awesome brand with a whole package to transport the right image is something I work on in detail. Success is made by a well-combined brand identity and the message the design takes out to the customers. It’s time to start making your brand rememberable with a great story and design.

Be open. Be savage!


Member since Jan 2023

Web Design

Product Design

Brand / Graphic Design

Media Designer, Trainee Supervisor, Team Leader at L&W Druck Lindauer und Wolny GbR 2021–Present

Media Designer & Project Management at EUROBAUSTOFF Handelsgesellschaft mbH 2015–2021

Media Design & Screen Design at Provinzglück GmbH 2012–2015

Technical college entrance qualification, Berufsbildende Schulen II 2010

Media Designer, Willy-Brandt-Schule Giessen 2015

Freelance or contract opportunities

Full-time opportunities

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Available for new projects

Get in touch Alexander Honig