CrewConnect Pricing Page

April 08, 2015

This is a look at the pricing page for CrewConnect. There are 2 types of accounts: the boat account created by the skipper and the basic crew member account. My goal on this page is to make that division clear so that each type of user w...

CrewConnect: How It Works Page

April 06, 2015

Here are the icons I created in use on the "How it Works" page. I took some suggestions and adjusted the shadows on the clouds. To drive home the concept of "Crew Members", I added sailing hats to the people icons. It's a little corny, b...

Invite Members Icon

April 05, 2015

I created this badboy to represent the step of inviting members to a boat account.

Create a Boat Icon

April 05, 2015

I designed this icon to exemplify the step of creating a boat account.

CrewConnect Home Page

March 23, 2015

This is a look at the CrewConnect home page that is in the works. I want it to evoke a sense of adventure and teamwork while at the same time communicate clearly about what it is the application does.

CrewConnect Logo

March 23, 2015

Here's a look at the reversed logo for the updated CrewConnect branding. I am using a stylized version of the "Affirmative" flag as its standalone mark. I used a washed out nautical color palette to give it a maritime feel.

CrewConnect Event Detail Page

March 23, 2015

This shot digs into the detail page on a CrewConnect event. The skipper of a boat can create an event and add crew members to the active crew list. Members then have to RSVP in order to confirm their attendance status.

CrewConnect Login Page

March 23, 2015

CrewConnect is a sailing crew management tool meant to make organizing racing events easier. This shot shows the simple login page to access the application.