Daily UI #032 - Crowdfunding Campaign

February 12, 2018

Love this colorful retro keyboard on Indiegogo so redesigned the page for it! -- Press L or F if you like :D

Daily UI #031 - File Upload

December 05, 2017

Played gradients for a file uploading screen. -- Press L or F if you like :D

Daily UI #030 - Pricing

November 29, 2017

I think I'm not the only one who complain about Caltrain's website. It indeed needs some design love. Here's my take on their ticket fares page. -- Press L or F if you like :D

Daily UI #029 - Map

November 28, 2017

Played a map vs list view for a local guide app, using my favorite places at Napa Valley as examples. -- Press L or F if you like :)

Daily UI #028 - Contact Us

November 21, 2017

A contact page for a photography studio. -- Press L or F if you like :)

Daily UI #027 - Dropdown

November 15, 2017

A simple dropdown for a file storage service. -- Press L or F if you like :)

Daily UI #026 - Subscribe

November 07, 2017

Played one idea of subscribing for beta. Thanks @Oscar Manxz for his original creation of this cool super woman character :) -- Press L or F if you like :)

Daily UI #025 - TV App

November 06, 2017

A TV app that has all the shows I love :) -- Press L or F if you like :)

Available for new projects

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