1. Канюшы́на / Clover belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector word
    View Канюшы́на / Clover
    Канюшы́на / Clover
  2. Свéрдзел / Drill bit belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector word
    View Свéрдзел / Drill bit
    Свéрдзел / Drill bit
  3. Вы́капень / Fossil belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector word
    View Вы́капень / Fossil
    Вы́капень / Fossil
  4. Сусвéт / Universe belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector word
    View Сусвéт / Universe
    Сусвéт / Universe
  5. Пасавáць / To suit belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector word
    View Пасавáць / To suit
    Пасавáць / To suit
  6. Прысмáкі / Tasty foods belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector
    View Прысмáкі / Tasty foods
    Прысмáкі / Tasty foods
  7. Word of the year 2023 - Мóва / Language belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector word
    View Word of the year 2023 - Мóва / Language
    Word of the year 2023 - Мóва / Language
  8. Свя́та / Holiday belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector
    View Свя́та / Holiday
    Свя́та / Holiday
  9. Пéрнік / Gingerbread belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector word
    View Пéрнік / Gingerbread
    Пéрнік / Gingerbread
  10. Падарýнак / Present belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector word
    View Падарýнак / Present
    Падарýнак / Present
  11. Ялíна / Fir belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector word
    View Ялíна / Fir
    Ялíна / Fir
  12. Мігцéць / Twinkle belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector
    View Мігцéць / Twinkle
    Мігцéць / Twinkle
  13. Аздóба / Decoration belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector word
    View Аздóба / Decoration
    Аздóба / Decoration
  14. Лупíна / Peel belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector word
    View Лупíна / Peel
    Лупíна / Peel
  15. Завірýха / Blizzard belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector word
    View Завірýха / Blizzard
    Завірýха / Blizzard
  16. Кóўзанка / Ice rink belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector word
    View Кóўзанка / Ice rink
    Кóўзанка / Ice rink
  17. Снéжка / Snowball belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector word
    View Снéжка / Snowball
    Снéжка / Snowball
  18. Лядзя́ш / Icicle belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector word
    View Лядзя́ш / Icicle
    Лядзя́ш / Icicle
  19. Шэ́рань / Hoarfrost belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector word
    View Шэ́рань / Hoarfrost
    Шэ́рань / Hoarfrost
  20. Кры́га / Ice floe belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector word
    View Кры́га / Ice floe
    Кры́га / Ice floe
  21. Церушы́ць / To fall (about fine snow) belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector
    View Церушы́ць / To fall (about fine snow)
    Церушы́ць / To fall (about fine snow)
  22. Клýнак / Bindle belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector word
    View Клýнак / Bindle
    Клýнак / Bindle
  23. Слóўнік / Dictionary belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector word
    View Слóўнік / Dictionary
    Слóўнік / Dictionary
  24. Кульбáка / Cane belarus belarusian language daily flat icon illustration vector word
    View Кульбáка / Cane
    Кульбáка / Cane
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