Detail page concept - Luxury catering

January 06, 2017

Please view full pixels. :) A detail page concept for a luxurious catering company I worked on past year which didn't make the cut. This was a specific example for weddings as a service category. The notion was to try and explore a de...

Homepage concept - Luxury catering

January 04, 2017

Please view @2x. :) A homepage concept for a luxurious catering company I worked on past year which didn't make the cut. The notion was to try and explore a non-traditional design with bright colours, floating buttons and the use of ou...

Homepage concept - Luxury catering

January 03, 2017

Happy 2017! I'll be uploading some work of the past year on Dribbble. This homepage was a concept design for a luxury catering company, a design which didn't make the cut unfortunately! Aesthetically, the idea was to focus on beautiful...