
April 12, 2012

It can be difficult to follow different chat windows across different desktops. So I stuck a notifications button up in the navigation. On hover it reveals which of your chats has news for you and you can jump directly into it. On the bo...


April 11, 2012

Little widget enabling users to collaborate in channels. Not 100% finished, but quite nice so far...

Some new icons

April 05, 2012

Reworked some icons for the navigation bar...


March 08, 2012

We made quite some progress the last days. And things start to fit together slowly. A bit worried lately that we soon reach the browsers limits :). Take a look at the full screen shot:

Some icons

March 05, 2012

Some tiny (11px and smaller) icons I made today.


February 27, 2012

Our Gina. She is our Alfred inside the webapp... :). Just type, and she autocompletes.

Switch Market Overview

February 24, 2012

Moved the Market Overview Bar to the top and included some controls to switch to different regions. Attached a big pic for you guys to get a decent overview, too:

Select an Option

February 20, 2012

Worked out more details on the top Navigation. And made up some small icons & the input search field. There is a sidebar coming up soon. So stay tuned :).

Available for new projects

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