Signals - Other Screens

July 03, 2019

A set of screens showing drawdown, volume, price charts and backtesting. 👀 Check Signals Case Study on Behance ❤️ Press “L” to show some love!

Signals - Design System

July 02, 2019

We're sharing with you guys the Design System for Signals - algorithmically trading platform which includes: input fields, buttons, drop-downs, toggle buttons, calendar and more. Components were later coded using React. 👀 Check Signals ...

Signals - Dashboard Side Bar

April 14, 2019

An optimal solution for text inside side navigation vs heavy data tables. The first time the user opens a new app, having text next to icons is always better. However, as the user gets used to the app, the permanent text might not be ne...

Signals - Mobile iOS App

April 11, 2019

Hello Dribbble 👋 Continuing our Signals marathon with another shot. This time Mobile iOS App. Keep your trading signals close to hand is absolutely crucial since cryptocurrency market can change its trends quite quickly. Therefore, the ...

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Simon Rico