1. Ami Probashi – Designed for Bangladeshi Migrants amiprobashi bangladeshimigrants bangladeshiworkers designthinking expatsupport figmadesign globalworkforce highfidelitydesign jobassistance migranthelp migrationapp mobileappdesign mobileux smartmigration uiuxdesign usercentricdesign userexperience uxcasestudy wireframetoprototype workabroad
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    Ami Probashi – Designed for Bangladeshi Migrants
  2. "Welcome to Gofit 💪 – Your Fitness Companion for Life!" animation apps design branding fitness app gym app illustration mobile app mobile app desgin reach goals stronger every day stronger. faster. fitter trainwithgofit transform your fitness ui uiux desgin user experience user experience design user interface design your fitness
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  5. "Instant Loan Application Mobile App Design" app development financial services fintech loan application mobile app design mobile finance ui user experience user interface uxui design
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  8. Bike landing page, ebike, website design, uiux, bicycle bicycle bike design ebike electric bike electric vehicle haibike homepage landing page layout product red colour landing page typography ui uidesign user experience user interface uxdesign website design wireframe
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